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002_0006 - AvoidTooManyVirtualAttributes

Too many Microflow attributes (virtual attributes) inside of an entity

Optimize the number of virtual attributes inside of an entity. Reduce to 10 or less.


- Xiwen Cheng <>
category: Performance
input: '*/DomainModels$DomainModel.yaml'
rulename: AvoidTooManyVirtualAttributes
rulenumber: '002_0006'
scope: package
severity: MEDIUM


Too many Microflow attributes (virtual attributes) inside of an entity will cause performance issues.


Optimize the number of virtual attributes inside of an entity. Reduce to 10 or less.

Test cases

package app.mendix.domain_model.avoid_too_many_virtual_attributes

import rego.v1

# Test data

attr_0 := {
          "$Type": "DomainModels$Attribute",
          "Name": "VA_age",
          "Value": {
            "$Type": "DomainModels$CalculatedValue"

twenty := numbers.range(1, 20)
attr_20 = [ 
    { "Name": attr_0.Name, "Value": attr_0.Value }  | n := twenty[_]

positive := {
  "Entities": [
      "$Type": "DomainModels$EntityImpl",
      "Attributes": [
          "$Type": "DomainModels$Attribute",
          "Name": "VA_age",
          "Value": {
            "$Type": "DomainModels$CalculatedValue"
          "$Type": "DomainModels$Attribute",
          "Name": "Year",
          "Value": {
            "$Type": "DomainModels$StoredValue"
      "Name": "Bike"

negative := {
  "Entities": [
      "$Type": "DomainModels$EntityImpl",
      "Attributes": attr_20,
      "Name": "Bike"

# Test cases

test_positive if {
    allow with input as positive

test_negative if {
    not allow with input as negative